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Door Design In The Private House With His Hands

Делаем электропроводку в деревянном доме своими рукамиElectrical connections in a wooden house should not only perform their functions but also be safe, so the quality of its implementation is subject to increased requirements. We can run a wire in wooden. with your hands.but all installation regulations should be observed.

Work needs to be divided into several stages:

  • Project design and calculation of total equipment capacity;
  • Selection of cables, electrical equipment, mounting units by calculation load;
  • Injection and connection of an induction automatic switch, an electric energy counter, installation of a distribution board;
  • Cables, scattering them by location;
  • Pinks, switches, lighting equipment;
  • Landing and SLM;
  • Testing and verification.

Таблица которая поможет выбрать провода для электропроводкиIn order to properly design the electrical connection, a total power supply shall be installed. Design sequence:

  1. Introduce the home plan and indicate the location of all lighting devices, pinks, individual connection equipment.
  2. The drawing shall indicate the maximum power of the appliances taking into account the input of the electric motors.
  3. Lighting equipment is connected to individual power groups, the number of these groups depends on the size of the house and the capacity of lighting devices. Usually, for a small house, all lights can be connected to one group.
  4. It is also necessary to provide for the lighting of the courtyard area, and if the house is used as a temporary accommodation, it is more appropriate to switch the court lighting on a separate automatic switch, so the house can be demolished at the time of departure without disconnecting external lighting.
  5. Powerful household appliances are connected to a separate electrical unit, through a separate automatic switch. These instruments include water heaters and electric shocks, as well as electrical furnaces, stoves, convectors, all equipment with a high energy consumption. For such electrical appliances, a separate cable shall be provided.

For each group, the maximum power consumed should be calculated by generating all electrical appliances that can be included simultaneously. It is also necessary to calculate the total power of the entire load to select the intake automatic switch.

Схема кухонной электропроводки Автоматический выключатель Использование металлических гильз с заглушками позволит предотвратить возгорание по причине замыкания Образец крепления проводки к потолку