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Private House Landscape Design

Примеры планировок участков на 6-20 соток + основы зонированияHaving taken over the land, each master wishes to proceed as soon as possible with the development of new properties and the implementation of his grand plans. Ten-bed plots or other land area are dependent on a variety of natural factors, knowledge of which will transform the customary land into a cozy place for family recreation. We invite you to consider some examples of site planning and zoning.

In considering the planning of a site for six strata and above, the following should be taken into account:

  • Areawhich can be both regular and close to the enemy, hills and even mountains.Обыгрываем форму участка The terrain will depend not only on the location of the house and buildings, but also on the construction of engineering systems.
  • Area formfrom close to the traditional rectangle to the triangle, G-shaped and rounded coals.
  • Soil types, which can be both sandy, light and fertile, and severe glinist or medium-syglinistic. In the " vibrant " soils, not all plants are capable of showing themselves in all the colors, enjoying a great flower and rich harvest. In such cases, a fertile ground should be added to the site.
  • Natural water bodies and groundwater levels that require drainage.
  • Position on the sides of the light.
Озеленение с учетом освещенности участка
  • Living zone. A house with a terrace and a attached garage may be located in this area.
  • Rest zone. Places under the recreational zone are often placed in the depth of the site away from outside views.
  • A garden zone. A well-designed plot will allow for the swelling of vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes to be scattered so that each crop has sufficient space.
  • Master zone. Areas under which household animal housing is located are located opposite the recreational area.
Особенности обустройства зоны отдыха Геометрический стиль в оформлении участка Размещение зоны отдыха Особенности планировки участков в 10 соток